A New Years Message from Marianne Soucy

"" As we say goodbye to yet another year, we do so with gratitude, with sadness and with joy.

Many memorable moments will stay with us as we enter the new year. The laughter as well as the tears, the celebrations and the struggles.

As we enter the new year, may we recognize our life for what it is:

A magical gift from the Divine.

Let us be thankful for all the challenges we have overcome.

For the unexpected blessings we have been bestowed.

For the loved ones we had to say goodbye to,

For those who entered our life this year.

Let us embrace the lessons and gifts from the year we leave behind, and bid welcome to the new year with an open heart.

May this new year bring you many blessings, peace, and joy.

Hold the light,

Marianne Soucy

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