Spiritual Guidance – Removing Obstacles and Connecting with your Soul

A Sacred Spirit Journey, and an Oracle Card Reading

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Are you dreaming of living fully, authentically, confidently, joyfully, and fearlessly? 

If so, you’ll find inspiring and helpful insights in this article where I share a combined oracle card reading with the ’Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards’ by Colette Baron-Reid & one of my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with my spirit guides and receive additional guidance and wisdom.

I start by connecting with the cards by holding them close to my heart.

I do the Tree Grounding Meditation. Sending roots deep down in the ground and feel firmly rooted. I experience myself turning into a big tree.

I find myself standing (as a tree) in a bare area – like in a forest where a big area has been cleared or destroyed. Life is pretty much gone from this area. But as I grow as a tree and allow the leaves to unfold and the tree to grow fully, the animals begin to come from all over to the place where I am, all of them using the tree in each their own way.

I feel a deep gratitude for being able to, because of this tree, supply the animals with a home, food, and shelter. In the midst of these dreary surroundings, I send out waves of gratitude to the whole forest.

My spirit guide is sitting on a branch in the tree and says:

“It all starts within. See past the appearances. Make a deep connection with the Earth and with your soul, and allow the Tree of Life within you to unfold and to express itself. And as you see, gratitude – again – plays a key part.

Let’s draw a card.”

The card I draw is:
No 11: By the book

By the Book - Wisdom of the Oracle card by Colette Baron-Reid

The card shows 3 elephants in a desert-like landscape, walking in a line, each holding the tail of the one in front. The surroundings may be bare, challenging, but the elephants are connected. They could represent a family – 3 generations; and the covering on the back of each elephant is unique for each elephant. The face of the Oracle is shown on the elephant who is leading the others.

Study elephant for the wisdom of the ancient ones; for the power and courage to step up and take the lead. Take responsibility for your life and recognize your connection with not just those around you, but also those who come after. Be the leader you are called to be, and do so by connecting with your soul; with the deep wisdom you will find within.

Everything unfolds in its own way, or goes by the book, when you find that balance between connecting with Spirit an with your soul; when you connect with the wisdom of the ages and become a light and guide for others to follow.

As you see past the appearances and allow yourself to be all that you can be, your light and wisdom will benefit many others.

The card text in the accompanying book offers much interesting information, and I am not able to share it all here. Some information from the card text that may be helpful is:

“This is a time of transformation. Let go of the fear of change. Your intuition will lead you through the darkness. There’s no turning back now. Trust that light will dawn.”

One step you can do today is:

As you go about your day, practice listening to your heart; pay attention to what your intuition tells you, and trust your heart’s guidance.

A Sacred Spirit Journey

I decided to do a Sacred Spirit Journey to ask for further insights. The following is what happened.

My spirit guide is with me and he says:

“You connect with your soul when you go within and listen to your heart.

Obstacles can be: trusting others more than you trust yourself and your soul’s wisdom, fear of standing out or being criticized, lack of practice listening to your intuition, being to much in your mind instead of in your heart, believing you’re not good enough or that you’re no one special.

If you have been taught or told to hide your light, you’ll avoid or be unaware of the power of and strength of your heart and soul – of the joy that comes from following your heat and listening to your intuition.

At the beginning of the reading – with the tree in the bare area – you don’t base your actions on external circumstances. You go within and connect deeply with the Earth and your soul. You find the power within, and as you do, gratitude and love bubble up from the inside, and you’re inspired to reach out with love to those around you. You have a deep faith and trust, and don’t doubt.

Many obstacles fall away when you go within and connect with your soul. It is important to note that it is based on a strong Earth and sky connection. When you no longer see yourself as separate from but connected to the core of you and to a bigger whole, the obstacles that had arisen, fall away and your soul can shine.”

Marianne: “Thank-you. Can you say more about the card and the elephants?”

As I say that, Elephant comes and says:

“We have entered the card to bring the teachings and wisdom of the clan, and to bring awareness to the importance of the Divine Laws which connect us all.

We’re all part of a clan – a whole. You’re not separate from others, and your actions affect not only yourself, but other people, animals, the Earth.

Walk the Earth with respect and honor the soul of all everyone you meet. All deserve to live and all have their part to play – their wisdom to give.

I was given the wisdom from the ancient ones, and I pass it on to those who follow, so they can find their way.

Live from the heart, and stand in your power – it’s a power that’s connected to and founded on wisdom that comes from beyond time.

You see, there’s knowledge and there’s wisdom. Seek the wisdom, for that is what will help you connect with your soul and enable you to shine your light and share your soul’s gifts in the world.

See everyone as your teacher, and let gratitude be a way you meet each day and your life. Meet others with the love that is beyond reason – the unconditional love that shines from your soul. Realize that you ARE love, and let it shine like the sun shines.

Whatever the circumstances or surroundings, know that you are not that. Your soul is part of our soul, and in spirit we are one.

When you need power or faith, call on us and we will guide you back to you, back to the source of your being. When you rest in Being, and know deep in your heart, you are connected to all who came before and all who will come after – and to the Earth, the sky, and all there is; you know that obstacles are ultimately imaginary, and that nothing can truly separate you from your soul.”

The elephant stops speaking and they walk off. I thank all, say goodbye and end the reading & journey.

Your next step…

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Spiritual Guidance with Marianne Soucy
The cards that were used in this reading & Sacred Spirit Journey were: “Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards” by Colette Baron Reid.

Get your own Oracle Card Reading


  1. Wow! There’s so much wisdom here. Thank you so much Marianne for sharing this with us! <3

  2. Marianne, there are so many nuggets I love about this blog post – from the text about transformation to the elephant’s message about us all being connected. Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world. Beautiful post.

  3. I love this reading, Marianne. Thank you for sharing. xo, Reba

  4. Amazing journey Marianne, exactly what I needed to hear, especially the part of being afraid to be criticized and listening to my heart.

  5. great message! you are a clear channel with a beautiful connection

  6. Marianne! I love your article and I love the synchronicities. Yesterday I was thinking about Spirituality Devising, Sacred Journey through three generations. What’s a surprise! Thank you so much 🙂

  7. “Live from your heart, and stand in your power…” – oh how I love this, Marianne! Great post 🙂

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