Cinderella & finding your own voice

This blog is inspired by a sentence I saw in a book by Cheryl Bridges, 'Me, Myself, & I ~ 28 Days of Creative Self-Love'. The sentence is in chapter 26 where she mentions Cinderella. It goes like … [Read more...]

The Open Heart – A Spirit-Guided Meditation

As we open our heart to spirit, we open our heart to our soul, and to the other living beings we share our Earth journey with. I invite you to join me today on a journey into the heart, and into … [Read more...]

Life Wisdom From An Old Oak Tree

On our path through life, teachers and guides can come in many forms, if we open ourselves up to their wisdom. Today we receive a beautiful and powerful message from an old oak tree. I encounter a … [Read more...]

A way to access your Inner Sanctuary

On our path through life, animals and spirit guides can be of great support, especially to those of us who are striving to lead a heart-centered life, where our actions in the world are based on a … [Read more...]

Facing Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction – Spirit advice for the individual

"Let compassion be your guiding light" ~ The Goddess of Compassion Recent disturbing news that we are now officially into the 6th Mass Extinction here on Earth. The magnitude … [Read more...]

You as Infinite Being

On your path to making your dream come true and to share your gifts and your light with the world, your limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself and what you can do, and what is possible, can be a … [Read more...]

Pets as companions and supporters in making your dream come true

Hope's message As you move forward with your dream - making it come true in your life - you can often find support in unexpected places. Loving support can come from your own animal companions, like … [Read more...]

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