Connect with your soul in your daily life – A simple practice

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“Your soul is that deep part of yourself that you touch when you become present and still. The part of you that makes you feel ‘home’ and at peace.” ~ Marianne Soucy

Welcome to the 4th blog in the soul blog celebration series – where we are celebrating the release of the book ”365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul”. I’m pleased to be a co-author of this inspiring book. For this blog series, I have connected with my spirit guides through Sacred Spirit Journeys and brought back beautiful and wise messages from spirit, to inspire and guide you to connect with your soul and live a soulful life. Today’s journey will provide you with a simple practice that can help you connect with your soul in your daily life. As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey, my spirit guide is with me, and he says:

“A simple way for people to connect with their soul in their daily life is to become present in their body. Not live in the future, in the past or in their mind, but becoming fully present in the Now and in their body.

Too often connecting with one’s soul is made to be such a big deal that action is not taken.

Start your day by taking a little time – even if you only have 10 minutes – to simply BE in your body, experiencing how you inhabit your body. Make sure that you don’t leave out any area of your body.

Send a blessing and a thank you to your body for its support. Rest in gratitude and presence for a few moments. Notice the breath; how it goes in and out of your body by itself. All you need to do is to allow and not restrict it.

Let go and feel the expansion take place inside.

Your soul is that deep part of yourself that you touch when you become present and still. The part of you that makes you feel ‘home’ and at peace.

Schedule time each day during the next week to do this practice, and see the difference it makes in your life.

It’s especially important if you’re stressed or somehow out of balance.

And a tip before we end:

Taking some deep breaths can vastly increase the benefits of this practice.

Experiment and find what works best for you.

Every day you will be one step closer to your soul. That’s called living a soulful life.

Blessings and peace.”

I thank my spirit guide and end the journey.

Action steps

1) I hope this spirit journey and message has inspired you and I invite you to join me here on Give Your Dream Wings and read the other blogs in this soul connection series. Click here to see a list of all spirit journeys in the soul celebration series. Sign up to get the blogs delivered free right to your inbox by clicking this link. 2) Click here to purchase the book ”365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul” on Amazon. For a limited time you’ll receive more than 100 soul inspiring gifts from the authors if you purchase the book during our book launch celebration. To claim your gifts, go to this page and enter your Amazon order number. PS: Check out the blogs of some of the other contributing authors, for example Manifest Your Life Dream, Lean Toward Happy, Journeys Into The Light.


  1. Lovely reminder – thank you!

  2. Taking a few deep breaths really helps in centering myself. I often thank every cell in my body and various organs and body parts for what they do to support me without any of my help. Yes, I do my best to feed by body with healthy food and yet there is so much going on in my body to make everything work without me having to do anything, and for this I am truly grateful.

  3. What a lovely message for us all. Thank you for the reminder!

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