How Pets Can Help You Connect With Your Soul

Soul blog 2 - Pets and your soul - Give Your Dream Wings and Healing Pet Loss Marianne Soucy 940Welcome to the 2nd blog in the soul blog celebration series – where we are celebrating the release of the book ”365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul”. I’m honored to be a co-author of this beautiful book which shares insights for connecting with your soul from more than 200 authors. In this blog post, we’ll continue our soul journey, as I connect with my spirit guides through a Sacred Spirit Journey (similar to shamanic journeys) and bring back and share with you the beautiful and wise messages from spirit, inspiring and guiding you to connect with your soul and live a soulful life. In the following I will share spirit insights on how our wonderful animal companions can help us connect with our soul. Let’s begin the journey! As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey, I find myself in a beautiful meadow with pets all around me – happy dogs, cats, birds, etc. They’re all eager to connect and help. I sit down and feel the Earth beneath me. I place a hand on the ground and feel the Earth – making a strong Earth connection. It brings me fully into the now. My spirit guide, who is with me, says:

“That’s one of the things that living with or being around pets do”, he says. “By interacting with them, they bring you out of your mind and into your body and into the present moment. That in itself is profoundly healing – and it is a way to connect with your soul.

You can’t connect with your soul when you are lost in your mind or in your thoughts. To connect with your soul, you need to get back to being in your body and becoming present in each moment – Being in the Now.

LD Marianne Soucy Healing Pet Loss txt shadow-410Another quality pets or animal companions have, is that they help you connect with and open your heart.

The purity and depth of the love they give makes all the doubts and resistance fall away and enables you to safely open your heart to them, for you know deep inside that their love is true and unconditional.

Of of the things that can close or prevent that opening is the grief of the loss of a pet, or the thought of losing that pet. But that can – and should be – dealt with, for the heart-to-heart and soul connection you experience from connecting with a pet is like no other relationship. It is a most beautiful way for you to connect with our own soul, discover your own light and your gifts and find the inspiration to share those soul gifts of yours with the world where they are so needed.

Pets are particularly good at helping those who have either lost part of or lost contact with their soul, for example through illness, trauma and the like.

The more aware you are during this process, the more you can assist and benefit from the heart-opening and soul-connecting qualities of your pet.

One thing you can start with today is to express gratitude. Your pets live most of their life with you in eternal gratitude, love and joy. Just look into their eyes! How and to whom can you express your gratitude today?”

I thank my spirit guide, and all the animals that showed up today, and end the journey.

Action steps

1) I hope this spirit journey and message has inspired you and I invite you to join me here on Give Your Dream Wings and read the other blogs in this soul connection series. Click here to see a list of all spirit journeys in the soul celebration series. Sign up to get the blogs delivered free right to your inbox by clicking this link. 2) Click here to purchase the book ”365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul” on Amazon. For a limited time you’ll receive more than 100 soul inspiring gifts from the authors if you purchase the book during our book launch celebration. To claim your gifts, go to this page and enter your Amazon order number.


  1. Avatar photo Rachel says

    So beautiful Marianne. I was born an animal lover and always had pets, they are part of me and I consider them my children. The joy they bring me far outweighs the pain of their loss and my past pets always visit me in my dreams, I can feel their presence with me.

  2. Pets are so amazing, I can’t imagine my life without them. Even the birds in the sky share the energy!

  3. Beautiful light-filled article Marianne. As someone who works with animals and flower essences, I know first-hand how important it is to really treasure the soul gifts of our animals. Thank you – Sara

  4. Hi!
    I agree pets are so special. I enjoyed your post and it is timely as our puppy (dog) who is 12 is going through challenges with his legs/hip and it is sad to see them suffer. We hurt when they hurt. They bring such joy to us and are pure love!

    • Avatar photo Marianne Soucy says

      Thanks for sharing, Kimberly. I’m sorry your dog is going through some health challenges. It’s true, we suffer when they suffer. Much love to you both.

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