About Marianne Soucy

Marianne Soucy 2016 - 646x636 Marianne Soucy has always had a deep love for animals and nature, and she has been on a life-long journey to create a deeper connection to her soul, to the Earth, and to Spirit.

She has been a shamanic practitioner since 1997, and her Sacred Spirit Journeys are an essential part of her life and work which among other things involves connecting with pets in the afterlife, working with animal spirit guides, and angels, and providing spiritual guidance through her websites Healing Pet Loss and Give Your Dream Wings.

She embraces all animals and nature as her teachers, and the guidance, healing, inspiration she receives in her journeys does not only come through her regular spirit guides but also from her animal companions that have passed. With their wisdom, joy, and unconditional love, they do indeed hold one of the keys to dealing with the challenging time the world is experiencing right now and they inspire us to create a compassionate world where all beings are respected and honored.

Here on Give Your Dream Wings, Marianne takes you beyond dealing with the grief of losing a beloved pet and helps you move forward in your life, feeling empowered, listening to – and following – your intuition and inner guidance, and meeting each day with a grateful heart, ready to deal with what life presents you with, but never losing sight of your dream and the wonder that life also is. She helps you bring your dream into the here and now.

You are never alone on your life’s journey. Through your intuition, and through the support of animal and nature spirits, angels and angel animals, you are divinely guided and supported all the way.

A key part of Marianne’s work is the Sacred Spirit Journeys (a form of shamanic journey) where Marianne captures the exact messages from animals and spirit guides. You can find many examples of those beautiful messages, for example in her Healing Pet Loss Podcast, in her books and blogs.

Start here…

A great way to start is to Receive A Message From An Animal Spirit Guide to get insights on how you can become more empowered and live a more intuitive life. Take advantage of Marianne’s special empowering offer where you get personal guidance from her and an animal spirit guide that comes forth to assist and guide you in your life right now. Learn more here: Receive A Message From An Animal Spirit Guide.

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