5 Days To Grounded and Centered

Grounded and centered ecourse Marianne Soucy Give Your Dream Wings

Free 5-day e-course & guided meditation for becoming grounded and centered

If you are open, sensitive and empathic and busy like me, taking conscious steps to become grounded and centered is very important. While it’s a blessing to be open and sensitive, it also comes with challenges. You may recognize some of the following feelings and experiences:
  • You often feel ungrounded,
  • You have a tendency to take on others’ emotions,
  • You often feel that everything is ‘too much’,
  • A trip to the supermarket or mall is overwhelming and exhausting,
  • You have a hard time concentrating
  • You have too much to do, and feel so stressed out, that you don’t finish projects or don’t know what to focus on.
Do you recognize one of more of the above? The effects of being ‘too open’ or too stressed can cause your health to suffer, you get more easily irritable so your relationships may suffer too, and you don’t feel you’re as productive as you could be.
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The e-course ‘5 Days To Grounded & Centered‘, comes with a guided meditation: The Tree Grounding Meditation. You will get access to the meditation when you sign up for the e-course ‘5 Days To Grounded & Centered’. The Tree Grounding Meditation is a short guided meditation that – when you use it regularly – will provide an easy way for you to become centered whenever you need it. This meditation can also be used as an effective way to prepare for other and deeper spiritual practices such as shamanic journeys, or Sacred Spirit Writing.

The e-course will be delivered to your inbox, starting with the first lesson (and the Tree Grounding Meditation) right after you have signed up.

Sign up to download the meditation by clicking the link or the image, or by filling out the form below (remember to check your inbox for your confirmation email).

Click HERE or on image above to download the Tree Grounding Meditation and companion e-course ‘5 Days To Grounded & Centered’

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