April Love Musings 4: Dear Morning

Morning quote - Marcus Aurelius - Marianne Soucy Give Your Dream Wings 
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

Dear Morning,

You’re probably my favorite time of day.

Even though all parts of the day (and night) have their own special qualities, there’s something about you that draws me to you.

You give me the gift and opportunity to consciously let go of ‘the old’ and to enter and embrace the new day with gratitude, appreciation, and with the intention to consciously create my day. To choose to learn from what happened yesterday, but to let it go and make use of the ‘clean slate’ or fresh start I have been given.

A new day is a chance for me to move even further into the Now, and to be fully present and see the dawn and the waking up of the Earth and its beings as if it happened for the first time.

Becoming present in the Now is a great way of bringing back the magic and wonder so many of us have lost.

The dawn and the rising of the sun stir the wonder in each heart that is fully present with the rising of the sun.

So today, dear morning, let me express my appreciation for this very special time of day that you are.

Thank you for all the mornings I have seen, and thank you for the ones I have yet to experience. I will meet each new morning with gratitude and an open heart.

I will end this love letter to you with an excerpt of a beautiful message I received from my angel cat Pittiput during a shamanic journey:

“We come bringing light, and the strength to face a new day. Each day the world is created anew, so each night give thanks for the old day and let it go, resting in the inbetween as a new day prepares its coming. A new day to live and love, a new day to shine….” *

With love,

*) Pittiput’s quote is an excerpt from my ebook “Spiritual Lessons from Pets and other Animals”.

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