Oracle card reading with Christine DeCamp’s Wild Spirit Wisdom Oracle Cards
During my readings, very often the preparations for the reading bring many valuable insights too. In fact, they can be said to be part of the reading.As I was cleansing the deck by blowing on them, this sentence came to me clearly:
“They stop dreaming, or they dream but don’t think the dream can become a reality.”
Can you relate? What does your dream or vision of living from the heart look like? Does it feel attainable?
I will share a few of my preparations. I hold the deck backside up in one hand and take off each card, one at a time looking at and connecting with the cards. I especially notice the nest with 3 blue eggs, representing among other things new life, creativity, the birth of your dream.
Back of the cards
Then I hold the cards against my heart center in a fan shape. I usually go out through the heart center into what I call the ‘card landscape’, but today it feels like this entrance is blocked. [Marianne’s note: this is also part of the reading, and makes sense when considering my intention].As this block happens, I don’t get discouraged, I follow my intuition which guides me to send my awareness down into my feet. As I do, I feel I am barefooted, standing on the Earth, in a forest.
Stop here for a moment and contemplate what just happened. This is a technique that is invaluable in life. When you experience a block of some kind, very often going within and asking for and looking for the next step to be shown, is what enables you to move forward.
I am now in the ‘card landscape’ – which I accessed a different way than usual. I walk around in the forest a while and sit by a tree, close my eyes and relax. My heart opens by itself in the stillness, beauty and peace of nature.
In the card landscape, I open my eyes. In ‘ordinary reality’ I draw two cards.
The first card is Elen – reindeer queen
Marianne’s notes:There’s a lot that could be said about this card, but here I will focus on its immediate relevance to the intention for this reading. The first thing that comes to mind is related to what blocks many from living a heart-centered life. Some blocks were already mentioned at the beginning of this reading. Here’s another possible block or obstacle.
The word ‘trackways’ and ley lines, can indicate that many don’t take action, perhaps because they don’t know what steps to take, they lack motivation to take action, or there is some alignment work to do, body- and energy wise before they can move forward.
Elen, the woman in the image is protector, guardian, connected to nature and to spirit. She can be a guide, and so can reindeer. She encourages you to protect, treasure and follow your dream. She also has a fearless aura about her and inspires courage. Always listen to your soul. The noise and demands of the world can sometimes drown out the soft voice from within, but as she stands there in her bright red outfit, she draws attention to herself and her mission. You are not separate from nature or from your soul. It is time to reconnect with and honor your soul’s call.
Take out a notebook or journal and write down your thoughts, insights, and associations as you look at this card. The image itself, and the text. What stands out to you? Doing this simple exercise is a great way to get more in touch with your intuition.
The next card is: Who’s there?
Marianne’s notes:An interesting synchronicity with this card is that a little while before doing this reading I saw the image of this card in my mind’s eye!
The bird is the messenger and guide from your soul, from the universe. Pay attention to and answer the call of your soul.
When looking at the woman seeing the crow with hat and scarf below the tree:
See beyond or behind the everyday things and events, find the magic in your everyday, trust your dream, imagine, embrace wonder. Nature is alive and it is a magical world we live in, but do we allow ourselves to embrace it?
This card also represents a movement from the mind to the heart. Seen with the mind or logic only, the image of the card won’t make much sense to most people, but if you move into the heart, it makes perfect sense. Remember when you were a child and the world was magical and alive? To most people that magical experience and outlook is lost as they grow up. Now is the time to return to the place in the heart, where we feel connected with all life, where the bird is a friend and guide, and anything can happen.
Several steps can be identified already in this reading:
- Did you notice that in the beginning of the reading, it was spending time in nature that allowed the heart to open? Without an open heart, it’s hard to live a heart-centered life! One simple way to open the heart is to spend time in nature!
- Allow yourself to dream, and visualize how your life will be, feel, and look like when your dream has come true. How does living from the heart look and feel like to you?
- Let the nest with the 3 blue eggs on the back of the cards be a symbol for you of your potential, of what is to be born from within your soul, or in your life.
- Besides spending time in nature, shamanic journeying can help you reconnect with your soul, with nature, and with Spirit. (Note: You will find several of my Sacred Spirit Journeys here on the website if you browse in the blogs).
- You are being called to live a life from the heart, connected to your soul. Listen, pay attention. Being fully present, mindful and aware in your life will help you hear the call and follow it. The call can come in many ways: as an inspiration, flash of intuition, signs in your daily life – an animal even, or a deep yearning within that there’s something more to life that you experience right now.
Open your mind and heart, and listen.
If you haven’t done so during the reading, I recommend you re-read the text on the cards, and let it inspire you. Look at the images. Which one inspires you most right now? Is there a figure, a color or symbol on the image that you feel drawn to? Write your notes in a journal or notebook – and decide on an action step you can take today.Life is shorter than we think – don’t wait. It is time to free your imagination and not only dream your beautiful dream, but take action on your dream.
Next steps
The reading presented here is a general reading on Living from the Heart. If you order a personal reading I can provide you with more personal guidance. Personal readings are unique and can provide deep insights tailored to each individual.Learn more and order a personal reading
If you want to go further, a Sacred Spirit Journey in connection with a card reading can go deeper and may provide help in several ways, for example:
- Removing obstacles in the way of your spiritual progress
- Chakra cleansing and balancing
- Soul retrieval
- Power animal retrieval
While we can choose a specific intention for each reading (or journey), my overall intention is always for harmony and the highest good of all involved. I do not decide beforehand what will happen in a Sacred Spirit Journey, as I leave that to the infinite wisdom of spirit. This way, you will receive exactly what you need right now in your life.
Marianne Soucy
Oracle card images reproduced here with permission of Christine DeCamp