With the rising sun, I send my greetings to the new day. I feel gratitude in my heart for the light and the opportunity to experience, live and create a new day.
I choose to be present and conscious as I move through this day and meet it with gratitude, and live from the heart.
I greet with love my spirit guides and all my other wonderful co-creators.
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you!
As I meet this new day, I will particularly send my gratitude to my home.
And as I reflect on the word ‘home’, then I realize that it means so much more than just the physical place I live in. My home is the house I live in, the garden that surrounds the house and which serves as a sanctuary for my husband and I, and all the animals.
My home is also this precious Earth I live on. And my home is my body and my soul.
Without feeling at home in my body, and without feeling connected to my soul, the feeling of ‘being at home’ doesn’t fully exist, for the foundation is the body and soul connection. The practice of self-love or self-appreciation.
So many of us have struggled with not feeling at home in or connected with our bodies, and we feel a longing to meet our soul – that deepest part of us that knows no limitations, and that is a source of love, wisdom, and a connection to the universe and to spirit. To feel connected with the light we know in our heart that we have inside.
A key practice in practicing gratitude is becoming present in the Now. To Be Here Now with an open heart and an attitude of appreciation. To be present with what is – whether it is my body, my home, the people and the world around me – and the situations I find myself in each day.
So often we take things for granted – but that’s where gratitude comes in. With the heightened awareness gratitude brings, I find myself more alive, more present, and better able to appreciate all my ‘homes’.
I appreciate you.
With love,