Have you ever wondered what it means to embody the Divine Feminine? We hear and read it often enough, but how do we go about being or embodying the Divine Feminine in our daily lives? I decided … [Read more...]
How to move from Fear into Faith and Peace – Goddess & Unicorn Wisdom
On the path to empowerment, and becoming and expressing our authentic self, many of us are naturally drawn within to seek guidance from our soul, from spirit and from the natural world. And there is a … [Read more...]
What the abundance goddesses Abundantia and Yemanya can teach you about connecting with your soul
Welcome to the 6th blog in the soul blog celebration series. For this blog series, I have been sharing a variety of Sacred Spirit Journeys, all containing wise messages from spirit, to inspire and … [Read more...]
Spirit support and guidance for the release of the book “365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul”
As I and more than 200 soulful co-authors are preparing for the release of Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck's book "365 Ways To Connect With Your Soul" the 17th of November 2015, I had been experiencing … [Read more...]