How to create peace in challenging times – A Sacred Spirit Journey

Connecting with spirit through Sacred Spirit Journeys is one of my favorite ways of receiving healing, inspiration and guidance. It’s a way to go beyond my ’small’ self and get a higher perspective, and a perspective from the heart.

I set the intention for this journey to get guidance on creating peace during these challenging times where we see so much violence, hatred and separation in the world. Read the Sacred Spirit Journey below.

As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey, I find myself sitting on a blooming lotus flower that seems to be floating in space.

At first things are a little unclear, so I ask my spirit guide for help to see more clearly.

He says:

“See with your heart.”

I see with my heart, and what I see out in space is the big ‘Eye of Compassion’. That is how I can best describe it. Tears are flowing out from the eye and each tear turns into the form of my spirit guide (who to me is the essence of compassion). They flow down to Earth in a steady stream to relieve suffering and spread compassion.

My spirit guide says:

“Our job is to help people connect with and open their heart – and to enable them to connect with others in love, peace and respect.

We are all connected, and everything you do to others, you do to yourself as well.

You’re on Earth to celebrate life, honor life and return to the experience of Oneness with all.

The Earth is your Mother – your supporter, the place you make and call your home.

Treat the Earth like you would a dear loved one, and meet others from a place of the heart – connected to Earth, to the sky, to spirit, and to your soul.

See the light in others, even if they cannot see it themselves. Hold the vision for them of their highest self – of them being light. Give them an opportunity to see their own light in you.

Any other way of seeing will keep you and the world in darkness.

Never give up on the power of the heart – the power of compassion.

Be the peace that you seek, for it is not a goal you will reach ‘some day’, but a state that’s available to you now.

Be present with what is and let the light in your heart shine out in all directions, like the rays of the sun.

Eye of compassion quote Thich Nath Hanh Give Your Dream Wings
Let each new day be a chance to let go of the darkness, the fear, of all that was – and return to Now; to this brand new day where you have a clean slate, another chance to create a new beginning.

How do you want this day to be?

What do you want to create today, for yourself, for others, for the Earth?

Set an intention that resonates with the peace of your heart – with the light of compassion that shines within, and keep it with you all day – being it, living it, sharing it.

Peace comes from within.

Peace starts within you.

How can you walk in peace today?”

I give thanks to my spirit guide and end the journey.

May this journey inspire you and bring you peace.


Marianne Soucy

Learn how you can receive personal guidance from Marianne on your soul’s path.


  1. Beautiful. My sacred journey today said “go to the well”. Fear tried to tell me otherwise, but after deep listening and conjuring up the courage, I’m following my heart-knowing and heading to the wells of Sonama, Ca.

  2. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your intimate experience. I love how you describe the images you see when you connect with compassion and your spirit guide.

  3. “See with your heart.” What a wonderful world it would be if we could all do that!

  4. Love this Marianna must be peace in the air yes I will be peace on the air thank you xxx

  5. Lore Raymond says

    I appreciate the flow and dialogue between your spirit guide and you. It reads like a poem and prayer, Marianne. Lovely. P.S. Where is the photo of on the water?

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