A message from Mother Mary on healing ourselves and the world

I recently experienced some surprising synchronicities. It all started with a Sacred Spirit Journey I did to connect with a cat in the afterlife on behalf of the cat’s human companion (the Sacred … [Read more...]

Polar Bear Wisdom – A call to awakening

My entire @Sea_Legacy team was pushing through their tears and emotions while documenting this dying polar bear. It’s a soul-crushing scene that still haunts me, but I know we need to share both the … [Read more...]

Full moon message during December super moon

As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to receive insights and lessons about the full moon, I start by becoming present, in my body and in the place I am in. Listening to the sounds around me. Letting … [Read more...]

How to create peace in challenging times – A Sacred Spirit Journey

Connecting with spirit through Sacred Spirit Journeys is one of my favorite ways of receiving healing, inspiration and guidance. It’s a way to go beyond my ’small’ self and get a higher perspective, … [Read more...]

One thing I wish I had learned as a child

When, as adults, we reflect back on our childhood, there are often skills and techniques we either didn't learn at all or learned later in life, but which would have had a very positive and … [Read more...]

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